Escape to Ellijay for 2024 Festivals & Events 🎉

family of 3 enjoying georgia apple festival
Georgia Apple Festival

Known for its breathtaking scenery, downtown area, and warm hospitality, Ellijay, 格鲁吉亚已经成为深受当地人和游客喜爱的旅游目的地. However, what truly sets Ellijay apart is its vibrant festival scene, 是什么让整个社区在全年的欢乐庆祝中聚集在一起. As we dive into 2024, 以下是今年在Ellijay等待游客的激动人心的节日.

Woofstock Ellijay

G准备好4月13日在埃里杰市中心度过一段无比美好的时光吧, 2024年,一群派对宠物为了爪子的原因穿着衣服散步! 带上你的四条腿的派对动物,让美好的时光滚滚而来,在这个过程中为需要帮助的狗和猫做一件好事. 此次活动的收益将用于FOGAS的绝育诊所项目, vaccination clinics, TNR program, 教育项目和审查收容所要救助的动物. 来享受小贩,食品卡车,娱乐和比赛一整天!

Georgia Mountain Trail Fest

这个节日将充满活力的乔治亚州小径社区聚集在一起, welcoming hikers, mountain bikers, kayakers, trail runners, equestrians, campers, jeep and RV enthusiasts alike! There will be numerous trail-related vendors, enlightening educational trail discussions, delicious offerings from food trucks, and refreshing hard cider provided by Reece’s Cider Co. All are invited to join in the festivities.

Georgia Mountain Needle Arts Festival

和太阳城娱乐一起参加Ellijay一年一度的乔治亚山针艺术节! 愉快的周末充满了供应商,丰富的课程,和无尽的工艺灵感. Admission is just $5 per person for the entire weekend. 不要错过这个机会,让自己沉浸在针艺术的世界里,沉浸在格鲁吉亚迷人的山景之中.

Ellijay Farmers & Artisans Market

你喜欢新鲜的农产品、独特的手工艺品和充满活力的社区氛围吗? Ellijay农民和工匠市场是您愉快体验的目的地. Whether you’re a seasoned local or just passing through, this market promises to enchant you with its offerings. Running every Saturday from May through September, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, at the Gilmer County Courthouse parking lot, it’s conveniently nestled in downtown Ellijay, right behind the Downtown Ellijay Welcome Center. 不要错过这个机会,沉浸在当地的魅力,带一些宝贝回家. Make a note on your calendar and be sure to drop by.

Ellijay Songwriters Festival

E今年夏天在Ellijay体验终极音乐盛宴, Georgia, 纳什维尔和乔治亚州最好的词曲作者和乐队将在14天内参观太阳城娱乐最好的酿酒厂的舞台. With over 50 festival performances being completely free, Ellijay词曲作者节保证了各种流派的折衷组合, from country and honky-tonk to pop and rock n’ roll. Take in the breathtaking views, groove to the soulful tunes, 沉浸在充满活力的当地美食,你探索迷人的商店和景点,Ellijay已经提供. Plus, 不要把你毛茸茸的朋友们丢下——这里有很多适合宠物的景点和葡萄园, they can join in on the fun too.

Georgia Apple Blossom Festival

在你的日历上做上标记,因为期待已久的苹果花节又回来了,而且比以往任何时候都好! Set to take place from May 25th to 27th, from 9-6 pm, this vibrant celebration promises a weekend of fun, laughter, and endless enjoyment for the whole family. 这个节日展示了最好的艺术,手工艺品和美味的食物. Whether you’re a seasoned festival-goer or a first-time visitor, there’s something here to enchant everyone.

Gilmer County Fair

With something for everyone, the Gilmer County Fair promises to be the ultimate summer experience. From thrilling rides to classic merry-go-rounds, 这里将有各种各样的有趣的游乐设施,让你和你的家人开心. 没有你最喜欢的特许食品,任何公平的体验都是不完整的. From mouthwatering cotton candy to sizzling corn dogs, 太阳城娱乐集市将有各种各样的美味佳肴来满足你的渴望. Mark your calendars from August 15th to August 20th, and gather your friends and family for fun rides, delicious food, and endless entertainment for all ages.

Blue Ridge Mountains Wine & Jazz Festival

Blue Ridge Wine and Jazz Festival 将美妙的音乐、美酒、精美的艺术和美味的美食带到乔治亚州美丽的埃利杰. We will be offering a diversity of wines from around the world, 包括那些在北乔治亚州和北卡罗莱纳地区当地制造的. 享受当地准备的美味佳肴,并聆听来自该地区的顶级爵士表演者. 买一杯或一瓶葡萄酒,带上你的毯子和躺椅,一边听着美妙的音乐一边放松.

Cartecay Vineyards Crush Fest

九月的Cartecay葡萄园会举办碾压节,游客们可以尽情地踩葡萄, vineyard tours, great music, food trucks, and of course, wine! 自2012年以来,Crush Fest已经成为Cartecay葡萄园一年中规模最大、参加人数最多的节日. Stay tuned for details about Crush Fest 2024!

Ellijay Bacon Fest

准备好迎接第三届一年一度的Ellijay Bacon节吧! Indulge in mouthwatering bacon-themed dishes, groove to live music, join in the bacon eating contest, and enjoy a variety of games and activities. 最重要的是,你的参与支持了一项伟大的事业,使吉尔默社区食品储藏室受益. 这一天充满了美味的味道和适合家庭的乐趣.

Georgia Apple Festival

10月12日至13日和19日至20日参加乔治亚州苹果节! In its 53rd year, this Arts & 手工艺品节有300多家供应商为您带来南方最好的手工制品, festival food, and apple goodies. While we are unable to allow pets onto the fairgrounds, Apple Arts on the Square is a pet-friendly event. Service dogs are welcome. Admission is $10, children under 12 are FREE!

Apple Arts Festival

This sister festival is located behind the Downtown Ellijay Welcome Center and adds fun arts & 在佐治亚州苹果节的同一时间和日期,将手工艺品和食物带到市中心. Apple Arts is pet-friendly, accessible, and admission is free.

Holiday Lights of Ellijay

准备好被这个季节的魔力所迷惑吧,因为Ellijay的节日之灯回归了. 在迷人的闪烁灯光下,小镇变得生机勃勃, festive decorations, and heartwarming festivities for all. 与太阳城娱乐一起庆祝节日的精神,在Ellijay的节日灯光中创造美好的回忆!

Light Up Ellijay

As the holiday season approaches, 迷人的Ellijay小镇变成了一个闪烁着灯光的冬季仙境, festive decorations, and heartwarming community spirit. Light Up Ellijay 2024 对当地人和游客来说都是一次神奇的经历. From enchanting displays to joyful events, 这里有一个指南,你绝对不能错过今年的庆祝活动.

Downtown Night Lights

体验迷人的假日季节与首届市中心夜灯! As you stroll through the festive streets of Downtown Ellijay, adorned with a dazzling array of festive lights, you’ll be immersed in the spirit of Christmas. 从居民区到商业区,每个角落都洋溢着节日的欢乐. Twinkling lights adorn storefronts, and trees, 营造一种神奇的氛围,非常适合悠闲的晚上散步. 无论你是在寻找一个浪漫的郊游或家庭友好的活动, 这次徒步旅行将给所有人带来难忘的假期体验.

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